purposeful design with you at the center…


Welcome To Holistic Homes…

Modern Feng Shui

Meets Design

A Heart-Centered Practice incorporating

Intuitive Living, and Collaborative Design

to help you feel truly at Home in your Space…

Let me help you create a home that is a reflection of

your joy and dreams...

Let’s design your magical place!

Work with Me

Spaces and places help define us - their energy shapes our energy. My work is about assessing and working with the energy of a space and focusing on how a space feels, not just how it looks. I work together WITH you to make a space both feel and look amazing! The way you use (or want to use) your space, your personal style as well as you personal elemental profile inform how we work with your space. Let me show you all your space has to offer.

WHOLE home

energy consult

(In-person or virtual)

If you are wanting to invite more abundance into your life this is for you. Together we will build a space you truly love using the energy opportunities all around your space. If you are looking for guidance or change this is for you. We will walk through your entire space together as it gives us insight into where to work to make the changes you desire.





If you are wanting to revamp a specific area of your home and want design help this is for you. I’ll create a custom Design Board for one room of your choice. Along with aesthetic design I’ll use the Feng Shui map, your specific life areas and your personal goals for the space with a focus on enhancing Personal Chi and Power Spots to create a space unique to you.


Real Estate

Energy Consult

(In-person or virtual)

If you are selling or in the market for a home this service is perfect for you. Have you ever walked into a listing and gotten an immediate “Yes!” or an immediate “No!”? That’s the energy of the home speaking. Buyers and sellers can use House Therapy and energy to create smoother interactions. Turn your listing into a “Yes!” then find your next “Yes!”


design with house therapy in mind

In addition to the packages above Abby is available for design work, please reach out to see how we can collaborate.

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What is House Therapy & Feng Shui?

House Therapy is based on the ancient art of Feng Shui which focuses on arranging objects and space to achieve harmony and balance. The words “Feng Shui” mean “Wind Water.” Wind represents movement and change, and Water represents abundance and depth. I see this as the energy around us is constantly shifting and creating new opportunities for abundance. Through House Therapy we harness those opportunities. There are various schools of Feng Shui and many practitioners. I believe there are many paths to the same destination, the one that resonants with you is the correct path. House Therapy and my practice are above all, Heart-Centered. I come to a space with positivity, to learn how we can work with it rather than what may be working against us. I strive to co-create the most supportive beautiful environments for my clients and I’d love to do that with you.
